Tuesday, January 12, 2010

American Idol is Lame

American Idol premiered tonight with stale and tired results. The contestants were caricatures of the worst kind. The weirdos weren’t that weird, and the talented contestants weren’t that talented. It was entirely predictable as to which contestants were going to get through. The good-looking cancer survivor? Golden ticket to Hollywood. Hot Latina Berklee music student? Golden ticket. The strange, transgender-looking, Latoya Jackson-esque contestant? Made fun of by Simon. Yawn.

Good thing Simon announced that this season was his last. American Idol is officially over.

1 comment:

  1. So far i'm liking this blog, i agree with the American Idol (and all other shows of this genre)thing. You're not on your own, Mr. Cowell and his brand of entertainment are just as hated here too, only not too many people are willing to step out of their comfort/cornfed zone to admit it.
